In the first place, I’d say that the merch is well crafted. At these times it’s hard to acquire something of satisfying quality for that money. The material looks good and strong and I think the thing can serve you for a considerable time. I regard it as highly important in such things. when surfing the internet, often there are lots of products for an extravagant price but the quality often turns out to be not so great. In other words, it’s pointless taking the price into account.
Another thing I liked is that the product is surely comfortable. To my thinking, this trait is one of the first things that draws my attention. I often happened to acquire something good but what turned out to be too uncomfortable.
I also take into account the appearance of the thing. I think, the given stuff looks stylish though you may disagree.
When compared to other similar merchandise I discovered on the web, for sure this one is more than good. Its price-quality trade-off is good. This quality is no doubt worth the expense. I don’t like to pay more when there’s merchandise of the same quality for better price.
For another thing, I would say the merchandise is beyond doubt worth paying for. I’m happy I saw it and got it.